Our Reception children are taught by Miss Bottomley, Miss Clegg, Mrs Barraclough and Ms Eatherley.
Summer curriculum – What Am I?

Spring curriculum – What Am I?

Autumn curriculum – Who Am I?

Reception curriculum overview.
Here is the overview of Maths learning in Reception.
Our PE day is Tuesday. Children can come to school in their PE kits. Out Reception children also have further ‘physical development’ time throughout the week.
Reception – Learning at Home
To support at home, please listen to your child reading at least three times per week when they begin receiving reading books (linked to phonics learning in school). Please also practice letter formation at home, as well as number formation and counting. Additional, optional, project-based homework can be found on the term’s curriculum map. If completed, children will be able to share this with staff and their classmates in school during the term.
Reading: Children have access to library books to borrow from school. These will be sent out on a Tuesday and can be returned to school to be changed. Please take the time to share these books with your child, as their intention is to help promote a love of reading with the children.
Are you a prospective parent? Look through this information guide (below) to learn more about our wonderful school.
Have a quick peek inside your new classroom. You will find lots of areas you will know (and love!) from your nursery or childminder settings, and your homes. We wonder which part of your new classroom you will like spending time in the most… We also have lots of new and exciting resources for our EYFS outdoor learning space, too.
Above: a cosy reading corner and a role-play area ready to prepare your favourite healthy meal… and maybe a pudding, too!
Further information on how our EYFS curriculum links to the National Curriculum for Year 1 onwards.