Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender or Queer*
Pupils at Bowling Green Academy come from a variety of backgrounds and families. We celebrate equality and diversity through a range of PSHE activities and through cross-curricular links with other subjects. Celebrating different families and tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying is crucial to making all children feel welcome, and enabling them to learn to accept others for who they are.
*Please note that there is an asterisk on LGBTQ as we are aware that there are other definitions of this.

Our work on LGBTQ+ families links to our British Values, KITE Values and Protected Characteristics. For more information, visit here.
Further Reading
If you would like more information, please click on the links below:
Government Guide for Parents of LGBTQ+ Children
In school, we talk about and teach about all kinds of families. Our children know that each family in our school looks different, as do families around our local area and around Britain and the world. We teach about families and love during lessons, assemblies and celebrations using a variety of age-appropriate resources, including quality texts and videos. The texts below are examples of books we have in school. Click the YouTube video to hear the wonderful story ‘And Tango Makes Three’.