Year 6

Our Year 6 class is taught by Mrs Mellor, Mrs Ellis, Ms Eatherley and Miss Scott.

Children will be bringing their reading books home each night and have been asked to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each evening. They need to continue to learn their times tables, please use TT Rock stars, so they know the answers as quick as clicking your fingers.

Summer 1 curriculum map.

Spring 2 curriculum map.

Spring 1 curriculum map.

Autumn 2 curriculum map.

Autumn 1 curriculum map.

Here is an overview of Maths in Year 6.

Year 6 – Learning at Home

Weekly Reading: We are often asked whether there are any books which we can recommend for pupils. The website: shows lots of good choices for individual year groups.

Spelling: Please find the Year 5 and 6 spelling lists here.