Computing Curriculum Statement
The Computing Curriculum at Bowling Green Academy has been designed in accordance with The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and The National Curriculum. In line with these, the aim of the Trust is that its pupils “use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.” We want our children to feel confident making informed decisions about using current digital applications and in the future, as and when new opportunities arise. Children will learn skills that cover a range of topics including coding and programming. From the Early Years, children are given the opportunity to select and use age-appropriate technology. There is also an opportunity for them to develop and refine other computer life skills such as typing, word processing, data handling, creating and editing pictures etc. It inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to create games and apps! From the Early Years, children are encouraged to have a positive attitude towards the internet including how to keep safe, protect our information and be well informed about cyber-bullying.
Online Safety

Bowling Green recognises the importance of its children being digitally literate, responsible and safe users of online technologies. Within our Computing Core Curriculum, there are planned focuses on online safety at the beginning and end of each academic year, before Christmas and around Safer Internet Day each February. During the year children are routinely taught and reminded about good practice whenever appropriate throughout the curriculum. From Reception onwards pupils are told to always share any online concerns with a trusted adult, including adults at school. Children and their parents are appropriately supported when worries are raised. Our website contains details of how parents can support children with online safety. In this way, we will ensure that we help to nurture confident, independent, resilient digital citizens.
For more information about staying safe online, visit our eSafety page.