Mathematics Curriculum Statement
At Bowling Green Academy we follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work which has been designed in accordance with The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and The National Curriculum.
We strive for all our children to become successful problem solvers and resilient mathematicians. We want the children to have a strong and secure mathematical knowledge that will give them the correct foundations for later life. To do this we use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to teach mathematical concepts. This enables children to solve problems in a variety of ways. By following the stages of CPA the children develop a deep understanding that they can reason with and explain.
Fluency, problem solving and reasoning
We recognise the importance in all children given the opportunity to access fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks in maths. A solid foundation is laid for all children using varied fluency which ensures that children can access arithmetic questions confidently and accurately. Children are then able to extend their learning and understanding through the use challenging problem solving and reasoning questions. On every maths working wall, key vocabulary is displayed for pupils alongside stem sentences.
At Bowling Green Academy, we recognise the importance of oracy in maths and have used the White Rose scheme of learning to ensure that the vocabulary used in maths is consistent, progressive and accessible for all. Maths lessons are designed to ensure that discussion happens frequently. We recognise that this discussion is a valuable assessment for learning tool, enabling teachers to understand what students know and don’t know about a topic, before starting formal book work.
Pupils who grasp concepts quickly are further challenged through ‘Dong Nao Jin’s’ (roughly translated as ‘make your brain think’). These questions provide deeper challenge for pupils, without the need to accelerate into new content. Would you like to try some Dong Nao Jins from Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2?

Our Mathematics curriculum intent:
Here are some pages to showcase our learning in Mathematics for each year group:
Reception Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 1 Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 2 Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 3 Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 4 Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 5 Overview + Reasoning examples
Year 6 Overview + Reasoning examples

Click here for Timestable Rockstar sheets.

Click here for White Rose Maths activity booklets for each unit of work, Year 1 – Year 6.

Click here to learn about the 1-minute maths app, which links closely to our curriculum.