Covid-19 Information, Updates and Resources

The current pandemic has led to children having many questions and, at times, many worries. The following resources might help you at home if your child is having concerns, is required to isolate or is anxious about returning to school.

‘Rain Before Rainbows’ is a brilliant book about two companions travelling together through uncertain times towards the hope of colour, light and life. Along the way, they find friends to guide and support them. Together, they build a glorious future and discover there is a way out of the darkness, into the light of the rainbow. It is a book with immense hope at its heart, and one that has helped many children (and adults) during this difficult time. Listen to the story below.

This guide from Young Minds – ‘Talking To Your Child About Coronavirus‘ – is very detailed and helpful, as are the Return To School tips (from Resilience Now) below.